『光感測 Artilux Aware Series』
全球首款多光譜整合型生物感測器(Multi-spectrum All-in-one Bio-sensor),搭配以 SWIR 波段獨家開發的生理訊號演算法及精準入耳偵測,全方位達成TWS 耳機無間斷聆聽及健康偵測功能的使用者體驗。以非可見光 SWIR 頻段進行光學感測,擺脫了一般健康穿戴裝置所搭載的傳統紅光或綠光 LED 閃光的干擾,提升未來數位健康之路。
Artilux Aware Series is a multi-spectrum all-in-one bio-sensor based on SWIR spectrum for precise biosentric signal algorithm and in-ear detection, fully strengthening the user experience in health monitoring with TWS earbuds and wearables.
『光通訊 Artilux Connect Series』
業界唯一兼容 HDMI 2.1 的 CMOS 全光 IC 解決方案,讓高畫質影像能以低功耗達成順暢的長距離傳輸,並打破既有光纖傳輸線相對昂貴的刻板印象。
Artilux Connect Series is the world's first all optical HDMI 2.1-compatible IC solution, delivering high-resoution and long-distance data transfer with low power consumption, breaking the stereostype that fiber cables are cost prohibitive.
『光成像 Artilux Explore Series』
全球第一款以單晶片搭配多光譜 TOF 成像的 3D 感測攝像器(3D Camera),可用於支付驗證的活體檢測,無延遲人機溝通,食物品質檢測,工業用產線檢測,並在戶外與室內皆達到一致的感測效能。
Artilux Explore Series is the global first 3D camera covering spectrum from visible to SWIR, taking 2D and 3D image in a single shot. With such RGB-SWIR fusion capability, it aims to meet diversified scenarios including industrial, logistics automation, robotic vision and the up and coming metaverse ecosystem.
『車用光達 Artilux Foresee Series』
解決 SWIR 光達高成本無法普及的問題,與車用領域合作夥伴實現具經濟高效的光達方案以全面導入未來自駕車。
Artilux Foresee Series is the most cost-effective SWIR LiDAR solution with our automotive partners to achieve affordable safety in assistive and autonomous driving.